lunes, julio 01, 2013

Journey from RequireJS to Browserify

Link: Journey from RequireJS to Browserify

sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Some tuning apps and shortcuts for Ubuntu

I'm using again Ubuntu and here some apps you should download to tune Ubuntu and some shortcuts to move cool in Ubuntu.
  • Main menu or Alacarte: is an app to easily modify the the main menu  and create shortcuts in Ubuntu.
    sudo apt-get install alarcarte
  • Unity tweak tool: great tool to modify behaviors in the Ubuntu desktop, like to activate workspaces.
    sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
  •  Compizconfig: tool to modify keyboard and mouse shortcuts and to modify a lot of Ubuntu desktop behavior and configuration.
    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Some shortcuts to move smart in Ubuntu
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left or Right or Up or Down Arrow: to move between workspaces
  • Super + s : split desktop with all available workspaces and move between them
  • Super + w: split desktop with all open windows
  • Shift+ Ctrl + Alt + Left or Right or Up or Down Arrow: to move current focus window from one workspace to another
  • Ctrl + Alt + D: Show desktop
  • Ctrl + Alt + L: Lock screen

lunes, enero 21, 2013

TableMapper: Automatic Table Mapper for Dynamics Ax

TableMapper maps fields from one table to another automatically, if the field has the same name in both tables. It is great to easily create initFrom methods and to populate temporal tables.

1- Automatic bindings between tables with a few lines.
2- Manual field bindings with the method Bind.
3- Ignore automatic bindings with the method Ignore.

Xpo for Ax 2012
Xpo for Ax 2009 (soon)

To learn how to use it read the test class and the following example: